Author Topic: Alex Feature Wish list requests  (Read 8310 times)

steven fastuca

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Alex Feature Wish list requests
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:18:42 pm »
1. a feature that would allow me to sort my studies by ratio of 5 year CAGR/ Max DD

2. Allow me to sort my studies by System score

3. allow me to sort my studies by med linearity

4. allow us to Walkforward test optimize for fitness functions mentioned above.


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Re: Alex Feature Wish list requests
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2015, 05:53:38 pm »
Thanks, putting 1/2/3 on our todo list.

For #4 - we will have genetic optimizer with cross-market and walk-forward testing. But there is no release date estimate yet (later this year probably).