Pair Trading Lab Helpdesk & Forum

Pair Trading Lab => Tutorials => Topic started by: admin on February 10, 2013, 06:25:12 am

Title: Pre-screened Database Tutorial
Post by: admin on February 10, 2013, 06:25:12 am
Because users are constantly asking some tips about how to use the pre-screened database, we decided to post a short tutorial here.

The pre-screened database allows you to search a database of pre-rendered studies (I assume you already know what a pair study is meant to be here, if not, please check the FAQ and create some studies first, so you understand).

Essentially, this version of database has been created this way:

So right now, the database contains studies made for around 600,000 pairs. For each pair, 3 studies were created when possible - last 10 years, last 5 years and last 6 months. In addition, we filtered out studies of pairs based on stocks, which have incorrect price data/spikes/unadjusted splits in Google Finance database (not all of them, but most).
Studies covering the last 6 months period will be recalculated every month.

Now, we want to use the database to find good, stable, profitable pairs.

First, let's repeat, what we advise to check for pairs you are going to trade:

Now, how the database search will help you to follow these rules?

Small example of search query, covering points above:

To be continued...
Title: Re: Pre-screened Database Tutorial
Post by: admin on April 02, 2015, 06:47:08 am
With the release of the new database system, this tutorial is now deprecated. We are going to prepare a new tutorial.