Author Topic: Software License Model Changed  (Read 8040 times)


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    • Pair Trading Lab
Software License Model Changed
« on: April 15, 2015, 02:52:04 pm »
We have just decided to release PTL Trader and Portfolio Backtester to our regular users. That means, you don't need to be a premium member to use the software any more.

However, certain limitations apply to regular users - you can work with two portfolios max and you cannot have more than four pairs in a single portfolio. So, for serious trading, you still need premium membership. But you can at least try the software without a need to pay for the membership.

Nothing changed for the Pair Database - you need the premium membership to be able to use it (and see equity symbols/ names).

The testing phase for premium membership is over, we don't accept new test members anymore. We will contact current test users about their current subscription soon.

Now we are preparing the real (paid) subscription program, which will cost some time. If you need your subscription ASAP, please contact us for options - we can bill and process your subscription manually for now.